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Other features of this template (Procfile, TailwindCSS, Extensions & Sitemaps)

Here’s a breakdown of the handy features I’ve included in this template.

Table of Contents

Procfile.dev and bin/dev

Similar to Ruby on Rails, I’ve included a Procfile.dev and bin/dev script in this template. The Procfile.dev is handy for running multiple processes (since we need to run both middleman server and the tailwindcss parser).

To start everthing locally, just run bin/dev. This will launch the processes in the Procfile.dev (you can add your own processes here):

# Procfile.dev

server: middleman server
css: npx tailwindcss -i ./source/stylesheets/main.css -o ./source/stylesheets/tailwind.css --watch


TailwindCSS is included in this template natively. You’ll need nodejs / npx available to install and run it locally.

Within tailwind.config.js I’ve configured TailwindCSS with the correct content: paths to parse the files in this template. I’ve also included the typography plugin for rendering markdown (once parsed into HTML via kramdown) using the prose class in the markdown_layout.erb.

<%# layouts/markdown_layout.erb %>

<% wrap_layout :layout do %>
  <div id="prose-content" class="prose">
    <%= yield %>
<% end %>

Extensions (livereload, syntax, directory_indexes)

I’ve included the middleman-livereload and middleman-syntax gems in the Gemfile, and activated them in config.rb alongside directory_indexes:

activate :livereload                # live-reloading in dev
activate :directory_indexes         # for pretty URLs

activate :syntax                    # code highlighting

Everything should just work. When you save a file locally, the Middleman development server will automatically reload. Syntax highlighting should work without any configuration (see blog/blog_post_with_code for more info).

The directory_indexes extension is used for pretty URLs. With this activated, the URL paths Middleman generates look like /blog and /about, rather than /blog.html and /about.html.


I’ve included a sitemap at source/sitemap.xml.builder. This uses the builder gem to automatically generate a sitemap for your site:

site_url = config.site_url

xml.urlset "xmlns" => "http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9" do
  sitemap.resources.select { |page| page.destination_path =~ /\.html/ }.each do |page|
    xml.url do

Make sure you update site_url to match the production URL of your website. You can preview your sitemap at localhost:4567/sitemap.xml.